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EMDR Taiwan Statutes

Chapter 1        Overall

1. The name of this association is Taiwan Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Association (hereon as TEMDRA).

2. TEMDRA is a non-profit organization, established under law, the mission statements are as followed: 
A、To advance the research development, education training, hands on experience and interaction between members of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (abbreviated as EMDR); 
B、TEMDRA is to advance the education, clinical application, research and skills of EMDR in psychology and medical related fields; 
C、TEMDRA is an association approved by EMDR International Association (EMDRIA).  It is our purpose to carry out the integrity and pervasion of Taiwan EMDR.

3. TEMDRA is a national organization, and by law it is allowed to have subdivisions.

4. The address of TEMDRA is in the district of supervisory authority.

5. The missions of TEMDRA are as followed: 
A、Hold qualification training for TEMDRA;
B、Establish and approve training and qualification related standards in TEMDRA; 
C、Hold continuous conferences, regional study groups and other academic activities; 
D、Publish papers and newsletters; 
E、Online academic communication; 
F、Annual conference for paper presentations; 
G、Give warnings to improper use of EMDR; 
H、Others .

6. The government superintendent of the TEMDRA is The Department of the Interior Affairs, and the supervisory authority of the enterprise concerned is the Department of Health of the Executive Yuan.  The enterprise concerned is to be advised and supervised under the supervisory authority.


Chapter 2        Membership

7. Class and Qualification of Membership: 
A、Professional membership:

Any person dedicated to the purposes of TEMDRA and at least 20 years old shall be eligible for the professional membership by meeting the following criteria:

 I. Psychologists, medical doctors, or social workers who are certified by the Ministry of Examination, R.O.C. or other professionals who qualify for the Basic Training in EMDR as approved by EMDR Institute or TEMDRA.

 II.Persons of the aforementioned qualifications who have also completed an EMDRIA approved program of Basic Training in EMDR qualify for this class of membership.

 III. The aforementioned persons shall be admitted to membership on approval of the membership application by TEMDRA.

B、General membership:

Any person dedicated to the purposes of TEMDRA and at least 20 years old shall be eligible for the professional membership by meeting the following criteria:

   I.Persons who are currently undergoing Basic Training in EMDR as approved by EMDR Institute or TEMDRA but have not completed the Basic Training.

   II.The aforementioned persons shall be admitted to membership on approval of the membership application by TEMDRA.

C、Student membership:

Any person dedicated to the purposes of TEMDRA and meet the following criteria: non-graduates or graduates from related fields from college, not qualified for the National Counseling Psychologist Exam but is interested in EMDR therapy; 

D、Sponsor membership: Groups or persons who agree on the mission statements of TEMDRA.

8.  Member (member representative) has the right to vote, the right to be elected, and the right to recall.  Every member (member representative) has one vote.

9. Member has to follow the rules and regulations, decisions and obligation to pay membership fee.  For those who does not pay membership fee, does not have membership rights; for those who has not paid membership fee in consecutive two years is seen as voluntary withdrawal.  Dismissed member terminate rights as punishments, if wanting to resume membership or resume rights, unless being approved by the board, others should pay the debts before resuming.

10. Member (member representative) in violation of violating rules, regulations or disobey the decisions of member council, the board may give warning or terminate rights as punishments; if causing severe harm, may be expelled from the member council.

11. Member who falls under either of the following conditions is seen as being dismissed: 
A、Loss of membership; 
B、Expelled by the member council.

12. Member may present written request form to leave the association.


Chapter 3        Organization and Incumbency

13. Member council has the highest power.  If member (member representative) exceeds 300, member representative will be elected in ratio to the population.  Member council will be held, and power will be exercised, member representative is a three year term.  The number of persons designated and voting conditions is redacted by the board, and carried out after informing the supervisory authority.

14. The incumbency of member (member representative) council are as followed: 
A、To draft and change rules and regulations; 
B、Vote and impeach members of the board and supervisory committee; 
C、Decides on the conditions of the membership fee, annual membership fee, enterprise fee and member donation; 
D、Decides on annual plan, reports, and budgets, and final accounts; 
E、Decides on expelling and punishments of member (member representative); 
F、Decides on the punishments of assets; 
G、Decides on the disbandment of TEMDRA; 
H、Decides on other major proceedings and rights and obligation of members, major proceedings are decided by the board. 

15. There are fifteen members on the board and five members on the supervisory committee.  They are elected by the members (member representatives).  There are five alternates for the board and one for the supervisory committee.  When members of the board and supervisory committee are absent, alternates come into position.  There must be five general members on the board, but supervisory committee is not under this limit.  The present board may propose a list of nominees of the board and supervisory committee for the next term.  The board and supervisory committee may adopt different forms of communicating voting, but not consecutively.

16. The incumbency of the board: 
A、Examine member (member representative) qualification; 
B、Vote and impeach president and managing board members; 
C、Decides on the resignations of members of the board, managing board and the president; 
D、Retain and dismiss staffs; 
E、Draft annual plan, reports and budget and final accounts; 
F、Others .

17. Five members of managing board are elected by members of the board, and the president is elected amongst the five members of the managing board, the president is qualified for general membership.  The president is responsible for supervising meetings, and representing the association, who is also the chairman of general member council meetings.  When the president is incapable of carrying out duties, he/she should assign an alternate from the managing board, if he/she can not assign one, the managing board should nominate one.  By-election should take place in one month when the president and the managing board is absent.

18. The incumbency of the supervisory committee: 
A、To supervise the board; 
B、Examine annual final accounting of revenue and expenditure; 
C、Elect and impeach members of managing supervisory committee; 
D、Decides on the dismission of members of supervisory committee and managing supervisory committee; 
E、Other supervisory proceedings.

19. The supervisory committee has one managing supervisor, elected from the supervisory committee, who supervises daily meetings and matter, and is also the chairman of supervisory committee meetings.  When managing supervisor can not carry out duties, he/she should assign an alternate supervisory committee, if he/she can’t assign one, the supervisory committee should nominate one.  By-election should take place in one month when the chairman of the supervisory committee (managing supervisor) is absent.

20. The board and the supervisory committee positions are unpaid positions, each term is three years, person at the position can be re-elected.  The president can be re-elected only once.  The terms for members of the board and supervisory committee start on the first board meeting date.

21. When any one of the following conditions suits, members of the board or supervisory committee should resign: 
A、Disqualified member (member representative); 
B、Due to reasons of resignation and being approved by the board or supervisory committee; 
C、Being impeached; 
D、Rights being suspended exceeds half of his/her term.

22. Chief secretary is assigned, who deals with matters of TEMDRA.  Other staff members may be hired by the board and supervisory committee and report to the superintendent for reference.  But chief secretary’s resignation should inform the superintendent first.  Staff members should not have double roles as members of the board or supervisory committee.  The board decides the rights and responsibilities of matters of the staffs.

23. TEMDRA can form subcommittee groups, or other interior organizations.  The forming and changing of the rules and regulations will be approved by the board.

24. The board can appoint an honorable president and honorable members of the board, consultants.  Terms of the above are the same as members of the board and the supervisory committee.


Chapter 4        Meeting

25. There are two kinds of general member meetings, periodical and occasional meetings.  Meetings are called upon by the president, unless emergency meetings should notify members 15 days prior to the date.  Periodical meetings should be annually, occasional meetings is called upon only when the board or over 1/5 of the members (member representatives) request a meeting or the supervisory committee invites one.

26. When member (member representative) can not attend the general meetings, he/she must appoint another member (member representative) to attend.  Every member can only represent one member at a time.

27. The resolution of the member (member representative) council is passed when half of the members are present.  But the following proceedings have to be passed by at least 2/3 of the members: 
A、Making and changing of the rules and regulations; 
B、The dismission of member (member representative); 
C、Impeachment of members of the board and members of the supervisory committee; 
D、Disciplinary action of asset; 
E、Disbandment of the association; 
F、Other proceedings regarding member rights and obligations. 
After the registry of jurisdiction, the change of rules and regulations needs 3/4 presenting members in the general meeting or 2/3 of all member council passing.  The disbandment of this association takes place when 2/3 of all members decided on the issue.

28. Board meeting is held every six month, supervisory committee meeting is held every six month.  Combined or occasional meetings can be held when in need.  Except for occasional meetings, other meetings need to be in written forms of notification.  The resolutions of each meeting rest upon at least half the amount of the members of the board and the supervisory committee attending.

29. Members of the board should attend board meetings, members of the supervisory committee should attend supervisory committee meetings, members of the board and the supervisory committee should not commission others to attend meetings; members of the board and the supervisory committee are considered resigned when absent twice without legitimate reasons.


Chapter 5        Treasury and Treasurer

30. Sources of funds for TEMDRA are as followed:
A、Entrance fee: Individual membership, NT$1000 (~US$33.33), group membership, NT$2000 (~US$66.67), they are paid at the time of membership granting approval; 
B、Annual fee: Professional membership, NT$3000 (~US$100), General membership, NT$2000 (~US$66.67), student and sponsor membership, NT$1000 (~US$33.33); 
C、Enterprise fee;
D、Money contribution; 
E、Give over earnings; 
F、Funds and interests; 
G、Other income.

31. The fiscal year of TEMDRA is from January 1st to December 31st every year.

32. The board is to put together annual working plan, budget balance sheet, and staff treatment sheet two months prior to the fiscal year for general meeting to examine (if for any reason, general meeting can not be held on time, the combined meeting of the board and the supervisory committee has to examine).  And the result is to be reported to the superintendent for reference at the beginning of each fiscal year.  At no later than two months after the fiscal year, the board is to provide annual work reports, balance of closing book, cash balance sheet, asset balance sheet, property list and fund balance sheet for the supervisory committee to examine with audit paper sending back to the board and with the passing of the general meeting, and the result is to be reported to the superintendent for reference no later than the end of March (if general meetings can not be held in time, it is still to be reported to the superintendent for reference).

33. After the disbandment of the TEMDRA, the remaining property goes to local autonomy or superintendent appointed government organizations.


Chapter 6        Supplementary Provisions

34. Proceedings not included in this rules and regulations will follow related laws.

35. These statutes are passed by member (member representative) general meeting, effective after the approval of the superintendent; changing of these statutes must go through the above process as well.

36.These statutes have been passed by the first annual meeting of TEMDRA on Dec 16th, 2018

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